
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Bush-the-deserter meme continues to gain traction 

Hysterical Republican reaction... Yawn:

The White House's top advisers are trying to protect the [perceived—LS.] Bush strengths of character and trust," Rothenberg said. "They don't want this issue to start getting traction."

After McClellan's briefing, Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot issued a statement saying Kerry is "supporting a slanderous attack" by not repudiating the McAuliffe comments. "By embracing this line of attack, Senator Kerry has made clear that he will accept and promote character assassination, innuendo and falsehood even when he doesn't have all the facts," Racicot said.

Ah, the old character assassination, innuendo and falsehood technique.... We know it works—It's Republican-tested™!

Just ask "traitor" Max Cleland (Georgia election), and "miscegnator" John McCain (South Carolina primary) ....

And of course, Bush can make all this go away so very, very easily: all he has to do is release his full military records, like Kerry and Gore have.

So, Bush can do this the easy way, or he can do it the hard way ....

UPDATE Alert reader TK directs us to Josh Marshall on this issue (here too). Marshall gives a tantalizing mention of pay records, much better kept, naturally, than the attendance records we've been looking at. Hmmm.... But be sure to read the always essential Howler on the torn document.

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