
Sunday, February 08, 2004

aWol's military records once more 

Via Atrios, CalPundit does a little more forensic paper-chasing. In fact, he moves the story forward by identifying the (strategically) torn document—which is the only proof that aWol fulfilled his obligations to his country during his National Guard duty (FarmerToon).

And guess what! Bush could be in deeper trouble yet. People who know National Guard paperwork think it looks like Bush was transferred to a disclipinary unit. For what, we ask? Could it be the same thing that caused Bush to avoid taking a medical exam at which there would be a drug test?

Drip, drip, drip....

Great to see the Post and the Times all over this one. Oh, wait...

Of course, all Bush has to do to clear up the confusion about whether he really did fulfill his obligations to his country in the National Guard is release his full military records. Today on MTP he lied, and said he had already done so in 2000. Will he come clean, or continue to stoneWall and WhiteWash?

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