
Thursday, February 05, 2004

aWol: His claim of "Honorable Discharge" is meaningless; we've got witnesses 

From the Salon article recommended by Tresy (below)—go on, get the one-day pass:

"An honorable discharge does not indicate a flawless record," says Grant Lattin, a military law attorney in Washington and a retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel who served as a judge advocate, or JAG officer. "Somebody could have missed a year's worth of Guard drills and still end up with an honorable discharge." That's because of the extraordinary leeway local commanders within the Guard are given over these types of issues. Lattin notes that the Guard "is obviously very political, even more so than other military institutions, and is subject to political influence."

And TANG was a very political unit.

And more good news! There's a book coming out:

"His records have clearly been cleaned up," says author James Moore, whose upcoming book, "Bush's War for Re-election," will examine the issue of Bush's military service in great detail. Moore says as far back as 1994, when Bush first ran for governor of Texas, his political aides "began contacting commanders and roommates and people who would spin and cover up his Guard record. And when my book comes out, people will be on the record testifying to that fact: witnesses who helped clean up Bush's military file."

[BABS]: George, you slippery little scut! Stop whimpering, put down that frog, and pay attention! You're in trouble on this one!

Of course, Bush could make this problem go away, by releasing all his military records, like Kerry, Gore, McCain, and Oedipussy's father (41) have. I wonder why he doesn't?

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