
Monday, February 16, 2004

Anti-war Republicans exist, and may sit out 2004 

From Cindy Adams in the NY Post of all places:

Today, Presidents Day, I'm not the Mouth. I'm the Ears. I report exactly what I heard at a corralful of Republicans. Types who've Made It. Successful. Comfortable. Two homes, two cars, mostly two marriages. They weren't speaking to the economy, outsourcing of jobs, Halliburton thing, abortion, gay marriage, cloning or old boy stuff as in why no one at Enron's gone to jail. Weren't interested in Bush's National Guard war record since they recognized that as Dem political trashing.

They were hot only about this war. About American and other foreign lives being lost. About non Weapons of Mass Destruction hysteria slowly osmosing into the well-Saddam's-a-bad-dude-so-it's-right-we-took-him-down-anyway philosophy. One staunch flag-waving patriotic rah-rah-America soul who'd never voted Democrat and doubted he ever would said he simply wanted not to vote for Bush. I now report on something I'd not heard before. He was told: "Just don't vote." Don't vote?! The realization suddenly occurred that violating our nation's greatest privilege might be President Bush's newest opposition. Anti-war Republicans who believe he's vulnerable won't vote.

Don't pick on me. Me, I make no comment. Me, I just report.

Interesting, if true, but if true, only in New York?

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