
Sunday, February 08, 2004

"10 Questions Russert Didn't Ask" 

Excellent article by Greg Mitchell in Editor and Publisher here. Three such questions:

1. When Bush said flatly that he was "not surprised" by the level of resistance the U.S. has met in Iraq after the war, Russert did not ask: If that's true, why then did the U.S. not prepare much better for what would follow?

8. Bush also repeatedly asserted that the United Nations had failed at "disarming Saddam Hussein peacefully" or that its efforts were "not working." Russert did not ask: How can you say this when, on the verge of war, U.N. inspectors were on the ground in Iraq and reporting that there appeared to be no WMDs there -- which, in fact, has been proven correct?

9. When Bush, responding to the "AWOL" controversy, twice chastened critics for downgrading the National Guard, Russert did not ask him to name a critic who was doing that (as opposed to questioning Bush's specific record with the Guard).

Just maybe Wussert was giving Bush enough rope to hang himself. If so, the blogosphere will gladly help him by doing the follow-ups on its own.

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