
Friday, January 09, 2004

Reading between the lines of Republican disinformation 

I always like it when Republican operatives try to take the high road and give Democrats advice on how to win; it's cute, and it doesn't do any harm as long as you don't take it at face value.

But what's with the LA Times? They give one John Ellis space, and in his bio they mention he's a first cousin of Bush (see American Dynasty), but what they don't mention is that he's the first cousin of Bush who prematurely called Florida for Bush as a FUX commentator in 2000. Here's the page for the LA Times' Reader Representative. (Subscription free; despite this lapse, they do OK.)

Anyhow, here's what operative Ellis has to say:

But the reality is that until the Democrats convince vast swaths of the electorate that they are every bit as serious about fighting terrorism on as many fronts as is required, until they articulate a plan that is every bit as aggressive and ambitious and steadfast as Bush has been, until they make clear to the country that they will not falter or fail in this struggle, they will remain outside the circle of majority consideration.

So, since what Ellis has to say is certainly disinforrmation, Bush must be, in fact, worried about how voters will see the succcesses and failures of his "war on terror." And he has every reason to be. Personally, I think he's vulnerable from the right on this one. Dean/Graham would take care of this, I think. As would Clark/[your favorite here].

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