
Sunday, January 11, 2004

King Cotton and the Know-Nothings... 

...prepare for their 2004 Tour of Gopher Prairie.

Liberal Coalition memeber Collective Sigh weighs in on another semasiology sales pitch production from the George Windrip Bush 2004 GOP marketing collective. Another sing along with the bouncing ball of bullshit PR stunt number called the "ownership society" twist. Which is probably something like Pre-Feminism and especially useful if you work for the National Review and own a hotel anywhere but Gopher Prairie.

More "Ownership Society", Bush Style

"Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple" comes to mind, also. Those who haven't even had a chance to get into the batter's box stand very little chance of socking away the savings, with or without tax credits.

For more on the topic of the "Ownership Society" (whatever that is), see Lambert's post below. Myth of the ownership society

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