
Thursday, January 08, 2004

It's just a shell of its former self, which nobody can deny 

The Democratic establishment, that is. Check out the Washington Monthly for an insightful article.

The absence of a true Democratic establishment is the central fact not only of the current presidential contest, but also of the last three years of Beltway politics. Washington Democrats are not wholly without political and strategic assets. But when you put it all together, there's not much to look at.

Heck, why are there nine candidates still standing, if there was such a thing as the Democratic establishment? Gutless, feckless Beltway Dems ...

Since last winter, the 2004 primary campaign has been, for all intents and purposes, a referendum on the Washington establishment, held by the party's grassroots. Rank-and-file Democrats love Dean not so much because he's "taken on" a powerful Washington establishment, but because he has tapped voters' fury and dismay that the establishment seems so powerless--even with half the popular vote behind it. It's because the establishment is pathetic, not powerful, that these people support Dean.

Bingo. The only power these guys have is that they've got their preferences listed in the whore books of the SCLM. Time to clean house...

P.S. Read deep into the article for how Whiney Joe fucked up on Enron. Sigh....

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