
Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Impunity once more 

And this is from Gerhart's puff piece bio of Laura Bush! WaPo quotes:

That summer of 2001, Jenna sat in a crowded bar and tried to sweet-talk the bartender into breaking the law and serving her, but he lost his nerve when he saw the guys with the earpieces and asked her to leave. Jenna, according to an account in U.S. News & World Report, was furious. She yelled at her agents, then fled down a back alley. They gave chase, said the magazine, and when they caught up with her, she taunted them: "You know if anything happens to me, my dad would have your ass."

Little Jenna has such a sense of entitlement!

Seriously, it's the same attitude as "What difference does it make" from Bush. Bush feels free to lie, having impunity; Jenna feels free to break the law, having impunity. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree ....

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