
Friday, January 23, 2004

The illegitimate Bush regime 

Krugman really nails it on voting machines. No detail that is new to us, but its good to see it put together in the mainstream, by a commentator as lucid as Krugman.
To combine what we've been saying over the past few days:

So we have a "democracy" where:

  • Large (ie, Blue) states are systematically underrepresented in Congress

  • The census data for redistricting is systematically skewed Red, first through undercounting in cities, and now by associating the census gathering process with civil liberties violations

  • Voting itself, where electronic, is controlled by hard right Republicans, and election problems are not detectable

    • This is true for the military and international voters, as well as domestically

  • We have no recourse in the courts, as Bush v. Gore showed

And let me add another one:

  • The voting roles are systematically scrubbed of likely Democratic voters, as again was shown in Florida 2000

  • Exit polling isn't done any more, so there are no independent checks on the results whatever.

People, the horse is already out of the barn. Elvis has already left the building. The fat lady has already sung. There is simply no reason to accept the electoral legitimacy (absent a landslide) of Bush in 2004.

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