
Sunday, January 11, 2004

Excellent transript of Vermont Public Radio Documentary on Dean's as Vermont Governor 


(Englander) "We as physicians are to some extent are trained to be
brusque. We have to be quick, we're making thousands of decisions on a
daily basis. And sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong but in
medicine - you know, we see patients on a daily basis and what was the
right decision yesterday, we may decide the next day is the wrong
decision. That's how medicine is, and I think that that would actually
serve him well, rather than sticking to an ideology that doesn't
necessarily serve the nation's interests when all is said and done."

(Dean, 2002) "The purpose of government in this country is to smooth off
the rough edges of capitalism. And so government is essentially a
redistributive body which makes sure that everyone who works hard is
able to at least have some hope of achieving the American dream of
sending their kids to college and so forth."

(Courtney) "He was really very successful and very instrumental in
creating the marriage between conservation and smart growth. He
conserved over half a million acres of wildlands in the state at the
same time he was making visits to Arkansas to talk to the folks at
Wal-Mart about bringing Wal-Mart into the state, but doing it in a
reasonable way: getting small and going downtown."

Interesting stuff. Plenty of fodder for attack ads, but it may be that Dean has already found a way to define himself on the ground, no matter what the air war ends up being. The future lies ahead!

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