
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Democrats' race sucking out the oxygen 

Heh heh. The drama of the Democratic primaries is driving the White House off the front pages—with one exception: White House backtracking on the WMD lies.

The other front page story in the Times this morning was from David Sanger, who gave a reasonably acccurate account of the Bush's ever changing stories to justify the war. He propagates the "bad intelligence" meme, but does give the detail of Bush "interrupting" Daschle, as Daschle talks about the need for an inquiry. (Manners, aWol! What would Babs think?) Meanwhile, in WaPo, the invaluable Walter Pincus quotes David Kay on finding "exculpatory evidence" for Saddam on the WMD issue. Fancy!

YABL, YABL, YABL. I think this one has legs....

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