
Monday, January 05, 2004

The circular firing squad that couldn't shoot straight 

My mom saw Dean in the debates last night (transcript, and she thought he looked good on TV. Maybe he's been practicing.

Anyhow, get a load of the wet-noodle-strength attacks of the Beltway Dems on Dean:

First, Kerry regurgitates the CW on Saddam:

When you were asked by The Concord Monitor about Osama bin Laden, you said you couldn't prejudge his guilt for September 11th," Mr. Kerry said, scrunching up his face and turning incredulously to Dr. Dean. "What in the world were you thinking?"

And Dean hits it out of the park:

"As an American, I want to see Osama bin Laden get what he deserves, which is the death penalty," Dr. Dean responded. "But I was asked that question as a candidate for president of the United States. And a candidate for president of the United States is obligated to stand for the rule of law."

Unlike, needless to say, Bush, who already trashed the Iraqi court that will try Saddam while "standing up to international scrutiny," by trying to dictate the verdict he wanted.

Then Whiney Joe shoots himself in the foot:

Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut criticized Dean for saying that the capture of Saddam Hussein had not made America safer. He made his remarks shortly afterM Dean noted that U.S. troops have been killed since Saddam's capture last month, and "for the first time, American fighter jets (are) escorting commercial airlines" out of security concerns.

First, Dean gives the evidence that America is not more safe with Saddam captured. Then, Lieberman attacks him for saying so. Hey, I thought shooting the messenger was a Republican tactic. Well, it is Lieberman ....

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