
Friday, January 09, 2004

Bush scraping the bottom of the winger barrel with latest batch of court nominees 

Yep, Congress is coming back into session. And who can doubt it will be an exceptionally ugly year?

Jack Newfield in the Nation gives the run-down:

Brett Kavanaugh has no judicial experience [but] is the principal author of Ken Starr's prurient final report to Congress on President Clinton.

As the solicitor for the Interior Department, [William] Myers has participated in a series of decisions favorable to cattle, mining and timber interests, and damaging to public lands and Native American tribes. Even before he was nominated, environmentalists had filed an ethics complaint against him, accusing him of violating his recusal agreement by meeting with his former lobbying and legal clients.

Claude Allen ... has supported antichoice statutes and regulations; urged sexual abstinence as the solution to AIDS and teen pregnancy; and opposed expanded health insurance for poor children. ... Allen, who is African-American, was Jesse Helms's press secretary during Helms's racist campaign for re-election in 1984.

Attention, Beltway Dems—Incoming!

Of course, wingers also want to abolish the filibuster, so the lock-step GOP can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, however it wants....

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