
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

The Arnis™ violated campaign finance rules 

LA Times:

A Superior Court judge ruled Monday that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger violated state election law by using a $4.5-million bank loan to help finance his campaign in last fall's recall race.

Superior Court Judge Loren E. McMaster, saying that such loans could open the way for money laundering of campaign donations, ordered Schwarzenegger to cease raising money to retire the debt, and not use money he has already raised to repay the loan.

McMaster said that if Schwarzenegger raised money to repay the loan, "the public would not learn who financially contributed to the campaign until after the election, when it would be too late."

Granted, The Arnis™ did rely on a bad itnerpretation of the law—but it hardly seems likely they ignored the money laundering aspect, eh?

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