
Wednesday, December 24, 2003

SCLM: Let the games begin! 

The essential Eric Alterman in the essential The Nation writes:

In its self-appointed role as semiofficial punditocracy politburo, the Washington Post editorial board issued what ABC News's The Note properly termed "a button-popping, eye-bugging anti-Dean editorial" that it undoubtedly hoped would serve as Dean's political death sentence. Expressing editorial shock and awe over Dean's unarguably accurate observation that Saddam Hussein's capture left the United States no safer than before, Post editors termed the candidate's views to be "not just unfounded but ludicrous" and complained of his "departure from the Democratic mainstream."

The punditocracy has chosen its side. Perhaps it's time the rest of us choose ours.

As alert reader pansypoo points out in comments in another thread, I thought Bush and his MWs wanted Dean to win?

I guess they just can't cope with the DGB factor

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