
Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Bush reports to Congress: Yep, it's a qWagmire 

Jim Abrams of AP writes

Iraq suffers serious energy and communications shortages and harbors an increasingly sophisticated insurgency, the White House said in a report to Congress that emphasizes the successes of the U.S.-backed coalition in restoring order and security to Iraqis.

The report, obtained by The Associated Press, states that even with a buildup in Iraqi security forces, "it is not possible to know at this time either the duration of the military operations or the scope and duration of the deployment" of U.S. troops.

Well, not knowing either the scope or duration sounds like a pretty good definition of quagmire to me. On the other hand, it could just be that Unka Karl has already decided—secretly, of course—to declare victory and get out—say, before the Republican National Convention, so he can have a big parade of the troops before Broadway.

With POTL like the Bush gang, who knows?

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