
Sunday, December 28, 2003

Anti-Dean, Pro-Republican bias at WaPo 

Who knew?

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a doctor, and a Republican. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean is a doctor, and a Democrat.

Here's WaPo's capsule bio of Frist:

Sen. Frist (R-Tenn.), a physician, is Senate majority leader.

And here, Dean:

The writer, a former governor of Vermont, seeks the Democratic nomination for president.

Both Frist and Dean have equivalent professional qualifications; both are physicians.

What conceivable (legitimate) reason could WaPo have for including Frist's qualifications, and not including Dean's?

Here is the address of the Post's (extremely overworked) Michael Getler: ombudsman@washpost.com. Perhaps he can address the issue with the WaPo's management.

It's an especially insidious "mistake," since one of the main planks of the Dean platform is universal health insurance. Since WaPo leaves out Dean's qualifications as a physician, they undercut his credibility on this matter. So often, the little things reveal so much ...

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