
Sunday, November 30, 2003

The Gift That Keeps On Giving 

E.G., the President's visit to the front, or at least the back of the front.

Or, maybe not.

Julia of the shrugging Sisyphus has such a smart post up indicating even PR genuis, Rove's instinct for using the presidential in the Presidency is having diminishing returns. She did a check of Google's top ten entries responding to Bush's turkey trot, and summarizes the surprising results for us.

And don't miss this sure to become Julia classic on Mr. Not So Nice Guy Dana Rohrabacher, who got snookered by the even badder bad asses currently running the House of Representatives, often spoken of as the people's house, though not recently. Talk about your non-situational ethics, has there ever been a clearer case of wrong and wrong, which Julia skewers, and than nails to the wall

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