
Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Our CEO president 

Condi's not talking to Rummy, and Rummy's not talking to Condi.

And aWol hasn't called them into his office to straighten it all out. What a farce.

So if the mission was accomplished and everything's lovely, what's this "Iraq Stabilization Group" bauble that Condi is flashing all about, anyhow? PR?

UPDATE: Rummy and Condi share their feelings in this scenario concocted by alert reader MJS:

DOC: Now, Condi, how did that make you feel when Rummy said those things about you...

CONDI: I...I don't know. I try to please him, but...the rules keep changing.

RUMMY: Oh, what a load of...

DOC: Now, Rummy, we agreed to a few ground rules earlier, and one of them was for you to stop swearing whenever you felt threatened. Do you feel threatened now?


CONDI: (sotto voce) Cracker ass cracker...

RUMMY: Did you hear that?

DOC: How did that make you feel, Rummy, when Condi said those things about you?

CONDI: I barely whispered...

RUMMY: I'm old, honey, but I ain't deaf.

DOC: How did that make you feel?

RUMMY: Like hurting her, like I wanted to squish her under my Hummer.

CONDI: Try it flyboy, just try it. I'm Shrubaroo's #1 Kelly Girl and you know it, so just try it, Grandpa!

DOC: Hey, you two...

RUMMY: Take that back, you bony-assed Media Whore!

CONDI: Media Whore! Lick me, you pompous buttfucker!

DOC: I see we're just about out of time here...

RUMMY: Take this, you skanky piece of...

CONDI: (Slap!)

RUMMY: Clear the room! Clear the Room!

(SLAM! CRASH! &*!?%!)

DOC: (in the hall, talking to the door) Same time next week?

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