
Sunday, October 12, 2003

Our CEO President 

Yep, Condi has a new bauble (besides aWol's brain, that is). But it won't help any:

In Rice, "you've never really had a national security adviser who's ready to discipline the process, to drive decisions to conclusions and, once decisions are made, to enforce them," said one former senior NSC staff member. In particular, he said, "she will never discipline Don Rumsfeld" when he undercuts decisions that have been made. "Never any sanctions. Never any discipline. He never paid a price."

In one sign that Rice is trying to address the problem, she recently appointed Robert Blackwill, a mentor and former ambassador to India, to run a new committee that will seek to plan the administration's response to possible crises and help the NSC reach consensus on a huge backlog of unresolved policy questions.

Yeah, that's the ticket... A new committee...

But if Condi isn't minding the store, who is? Not aWol—but then what did we expect?

"The president has to be the president, over the vice president and over these secretaries," the chairman, Sen. Dick Lugar, R-Ind., said on NBC's "Meet the Press." (Via Atrios.)

Even the Republicans are starting to realize that aWol has no credibility...

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