
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

"A Good Farmer" ~ A Great Nation 

Do yourself a favor and fork over $2.95 for the November 3, 2003 issue of the Nation. Then read Barbara Kingsolver's article titled A Good Farmer. Because you won't regret it. And because its not posted online. At least not yet. Also read, in the same issue, John Nichols excellent article Needed: A Rural Strategy (posted online). Just buy the goddamed thing and read it because I suspect that it won't be long before many on the the so-called liberal left go back to characterizing "farmers" and "rural" folk as slackjawed goobers and corporate welfare sucking banjo playin' Jesus shoutin' hayseed parasite hicks. It doesn't matter that most of the Jesus shoutin' parasitic corporate welfare sucking culture war Christian Hick Nation hoo-doo originates from the basements of urban right wing elitist think tanks and multimillion dollar televangelist fun houses and corpoate office parks in expensive Virginia suburbs. (and other hotbeds of theo-corporatist fascism) From people who wouldn't know a real farmer or a real yokel if one dropped a fucking barn full of shit on their heads.

The sanctimonious self-important slackjawed company store courtesans at CNN and MSNBC and FoxNoise are of course more than willing to wallow in whatever shit is dropped on them as long as the price is right and their hair isn't mussed up. Character doesn't really matter to these people....its all about characterization - and The Cult of Personality.

People like Paul Wellstone and Woody Guthrie knew it, but of course they're both dead.

corrente SBL - New Location
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