
Wednesday, October 08, 2003

The Arnis 


Leah will probably have something more analytical to say. But what amazes me about the whole thing is really the beauty part from the Republican standpoint: that is, the issues that brought Davis down were all engineered by the Republicans.

The California economy? That's down to aWol.

The power crisis? Down to manipulation by the power companies, Bush contributor Enron prominent among them.

The budget crisis? No worse than the last one, and only a logjam because of Republican obstructionism in the legislature.

So the real story here isn't that voters were angry; the story is how the anger was manipulated.

And this "for the people" stuff The Arnis™ is trying to pull...

Hey, the power companies took $250 from each Californian and got back cents on the dollar when FERC finally came to the conclusion there was fraud. If the The Arnis™ is truly for the people, he can start by getting the power companies to disgorge the fruits of their frauds and thefts.

UPDATE: From CNN exit polling via KOS: the Democrats blew it on turnout. Check the amazing statistics.

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