
Wednesday, September 24, 2003

What You Mean, "We"? 

When last we met loyal Republican Bruce Ramsey, he was doing his bit for the coupon-clipping class by advocating the privatization of unemployment insurance.

Well, it looks like the coupon clippers are a mite concerned, both about their portfolios and about the future of their useful idiot in the White House.

George, here's what to do in Iraq: Declare victory and bring the troops home.

The reasons, in ascending order of importance, are: lives of American troops, GOP electoral prospects and, above all, business confidence. As for the voters, Ramsey advises, don't worry: they are morons who will believe anything, and it's all bread and circuses for them anyway.

Certainly, the American people would accept a change in policy. They have accepted the official story from the start — the weapons of mass destruction, the "link" between Saddam and bin Laden, the "Woman Warrior" story about Pvt. Jessica Lynch. They are not paying much attention to Iraq. They will accept a pullout.

As for Iraq itself, who cares? Displaying that sang froid that marks the true Republican heart, Ramsey sees Iraq as another Bush venture that's been profitably looted, and it's time to take profits before the roof caves in:

Your war, a Republican war, of which the politically profitable part is over. We are now in the losing part. The occupation of Iraq could drag on well past November 2004.

Funny how a "sure thing" can turn out, eh? Analytically ludicrous and morally bankrupt, to be sure, Ramsey's column also echoes with the footsteps of him and his fellow first-class passengers, hastening for the lifeboats.

Too bad the rest of us are stuck in steerage.

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