Thursday, September 04, 2003
Texas Dem Whitemire's rationale for wussing out
Ralph Blumenthal of the Times writes:
"Future cooperation" .... Yeah, that's the ticket.... Max Cleland tried to do the same thing, and it sure worked out for him... Good luck, pal!
Mr. Whitmire said that he still strongly opposed redistricting as "a horrible power grab and waste of time and money," but that he was now prepared to carry the fight to the floor of the State Senate.
"We cannot remain in New Mexico indefinitely," he said.
He said that fleeing the state initially "was a smart move and I wouldn't undo it" but that when the governor threatened to keep calling special sessions, the Democrats were left without an "exit strategy." Now, he said, they need to look ahead to their own possible future majority status in Texas and preserve the potential for future cooperation with the Republicans.
"Future cooperation" .... Yeah, that's the ticket.... Max Cleland tried to do the same thing, and it sure worked out for him... Good luck, pal!