
Saturday, September 20, 2003

Science has much to teach today's Republican party 

James Gorman of the Times writes:

Distinctly Big, if Extinct: The 1,500-Pound Rodent
Upper and lower pairs of ever-growing incisors are what make Phoberomys a rodent ... the order Rodentia can now be said to have a greater size range — from less than half an ounce to 1,500 pounds — than that of any order of placental mammals ... one more example of how successful rodents are. Of 4,600 mammal species, 2,600 are rodents. In terms of individuals, there are lots of them. "Wherever there have been rodents," she said, "they have been very abundant."

They're abundant, alright...

From the massive and slow-moving Rodentia Hyde-ius...

To the rotund and incisor-laden Rodentia Gingrichus and its orotund cousin Rodentia Limbaughii...

To the teeny and toothy Rodentia Bushus Fabulosii ...

Isn't Creation wonderful?

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