
Friday, September 05, 2003

Republican tactics 101: When you lose, change the rules 

MoveOn connects the dots:

Moveon.org , which has raised more than $1 million in recent weeks for the new campaign, announced that it will run television, radio and print ads in eight battleground states and the District of Columbia -- aimed primarily at Latino voters, who the group said would be disenfranchised by what the GOP wants to do in Texas.

Their effort is part of a broader campaign by the online group to "connect the dots," as one official put it, between the Texas fight, the recall election in California, the 2000 Florida election recount and President Bill Clinton's impeachment.

"The pattern is clear. When they can't win elections fair and square, the Republican leadership will go to any lengths to undermine the Democratic will of the voters," said Moveon.org co-founder Joan Blades.

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