
Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Republican exploitation of 9/11 shifts into a higher gear for 2004 

If that were possible. Now, the movie! J. Hoberman of the Village Voice gives us a first look:

The upcoming Showtime feature DC 9/11: Time of Crisis is a signal advance in the instant, ongoing fictionalization of American history, complete with the president fulminating most presidentially against "tinhorn terrorists," decisively employing the word problematic in a complete sentence, selling a rationale for preemptive war, and presciently laying out American foreign policy for the next 18 months.

YABL, YABL, YABL ... Down the memory hole with Bush flying round the country without telling us anything, Cheney being hustled down into his bunker, the shadow government (remember them?) ... And the entire administration and all the winger MWs (for hefty consulting fees, no doubt) are in on it:

Screenwriter and co-executive producer Lionel Chetwynd had access to top officials and staffers, including Bush, Fleischer, Card, Rove, and Donald Rumsfeld—all of whom are played by look-alike actors in the movie (as are Cheney, Rice, John Ashcroft, Karen Hughes, Colin Powell, George Tenet, and Paul Wolfowitz). The script was subsequently vetted by right-wing pundits Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, and Morton Kondracke.

"Showtime", indeed. Ready for your closeup, Mr. Bush? I guess sending the video to every household in America would be one thing to spend your $200 million in campaign funds on...

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