
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

On Clark and the Democrats 

So last week my Mormon, Bush-voting, National Guard-serving co-worker walks into my office.

"You hear the news about Clark?" he asks.

Of course, I say.

Says he, "Where do I make a campaign contribution?"

That's why this week's polls don't surprise me. Regardless of how well he reflects my personal politics, Clark is Bush's worst nightmare, an actual incarnation of everything the sniveling, pampered Bush pretends to be, and which voters have finally started to see through. And so it's also why the GOP character assassins already have their weapons on full auto.

To flog the metaphor, if the Dems have any tactical sense, to say nothing of simple solidarity, they will lay down covering fire for whichever comrade happens to be in the GOP crosshairs at the moment. Right now it's Clark, but if they let the lying liars pick him off, it's going to be Dean or Kerry next. It would be sweet to see one of them come out swinging on Clark's behalf.

MWO is right: the principal challengers to Bush are all strong, all electable, which is possibly their most potent weapon, if they choose to use it. By maintaining a unified front and watching each other's backs, they can harry Bush and keep his minions off balance. If on the other hand they don't hang together, they are surely all going to hang separately. And that goes for the candidates' supporters too.

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