
Monday, September 01, 2003

Molly Ivins... 

Molly Ivins writes:

In the summer of 2002, when Ted Kennedy and the since-deceased Paul Wellstone were working to get an emergency extension on unemployment benefits -- something that has been largely pro forma under earlier administrations -- Rep. Tom DeLay protested that Democrats want "unlimited unemployment so people could stay out of work for the rest of their lives."

Actually, 1 million unemployed workers had already exhausted their benefits before the House finally acted in January 2003 and were simply left in the streets with nothing under the too-little, too-late Bush bill.

The idea that workers lead the life of Riley on unemployment compensation and want to "stay out of work for the rest of the lives" is so blatantly untrue that it would be comical if one could dredge up a laugh. Anyone who has been through the mill of unemployment, with the endless rounds of appointments, waiting, applications, interviews, taking the bus to the job training program and finally walking when you can't afford a bus, knows precisely how insulting this hooey is.

I like Molly a lot, but sometimes she's just too shrill.

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