
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

the GOP ~ God, Obduracy, Paranoia 

Picked up on this item (excerpted below) via Bertrand de Jouvenal's Fighting Democrat blog.

God, gays and guns
Madison Capital Times
By Rep. Mark Pocan
September 23, 2003

Distraction. If you look the word up in the dictionary, you'll get a couple of definitions.

"The act of distracting, drawing someone's attention away from something." "An obstacle to attention." "Something that serves as a diversion."

The Republican agenda this fall is as follows: a bill to limit birth control to sexually active young women (God); a bill to stop stem cell research that could save thousands of lives in the future (God); a bill to change the definition of marriage from the terribly confusing "husband and wife" to "man and woman" (gays); and a bill to allow residents and nonresidents to carry concealed guns like cell phones anywhere they want to, as well as reducing penalties for having guns and other weapons in schools (guns).

I'm dead serious.

Instead of figuring out how to bring Wisconsin together and find solutions for our weak economy, the Republicans have thrown in the towel and admitted intellectual defeat. Instead, they offer us ways to score political points with narrow special interests, divide our population and create a discussion about anything but their lack of solutions for the economy.


A good day of Bible thumping and safety lock clicking is good legislative theater for sure. But we're calling your bluff.

It's time to offer some real solutions to real problems rather than provide legislative sleight of hand. Do you have that in you?

Ah, the ReShrublicans. Perhaps the next item on their agenda will be to officially shift Wisconsin's state motto from "Forward" to "Reverse".

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