
Friday, September 26, 2003

"A Correction" 

Mike Allen of WaPo writes"

Bush issued what amounted to a correction of another statement Cheney made on "Meet the Press." When asked about the possibility of a connection between former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Cheney said, "We don't know." Three days later, Bush said in response to a question that the government has no evidence of such a link.

George, you got some correctin' to do!

Seriously, it's good that the SCLM is starting to pick up on this stuff, even if this little factoid is buried in a story about Cheney's shady finances. And it's good for a wrong reason that turns out to be right:

The SCLM, being, as the Howler points out, lazy, likes to write stories that are "easy and fun". That's how they gored Gore. Too bad, but that's how it is.

Now, we know that goring Bush is really, really easy, and really, really fun. It's like shooting fish in a barrel! So why shouldn't the SCLM have the same wonderful experience? Perhaps we can show them the way...

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