
Sunday, September 28, 2003

Color-coded Bush Lie Advisory System 

The Farmer has been too modest to post these, his invention, but we're going to need them as the story of how the White House betrayed an intelligence officer for vengeance breaks.

Bush and his gang are lying so much it's hard to straighten out the Big Lies from the everyday whoppers. So, in the spirit of bringing a new civility to political discourse, here is the Farmer's color-coded system for distinguishing YABLs.

But Severe, High, Elevated, Guarded, and Low just aren't, well, colorful enough, so ....

  YABL Threat Alert!             
5 Alarm Big LIE
  YABL Threat Alert!             
Glowing Hack-O-Lantern LIE!
  YABL Threat Alert!             
Yellow Bellied Sap Sucking LIE!
  YABL Threat Alert!             
Pie in the Sky LIE!
  YABL Threat Alert!             
Snake in the Grass LIE!

Mix 'em, match 'em, share 'em with your friends!

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