
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

"A Clear and Present Danger" 

Listen to Digby

I wish it were 1972 again or even 1992 again and I could feel sanguine that the United States was going to toddle along, for better or worse, under a basic bipartisan consensus that recognized certain constitutional boundaries and limits that could not be breached. I wish that we had an independent media that was less focused on entertainment values and instead recognized that it had an intrinsically important role in democracy. I wish that we were not in the grip of a revolution in technology and communications at the same time as a radical group of idealists have seized power. I wish we had the luxury of choosing candidates purely on the basis of their commitment to a bottom-up revolution of the people and progressive ideas.

Unfortunately, it is not that time. The modern Republican party presents a clear and present danger to everything we hold dear --- the social safety net, the rule of law, civil liberties, consumer protection, a clean environment, international legitimacy --- everything. They envision a one-party state. They mean to completely and thoroughly change the way this country works.

Thats from Digby's recent post - For the full context and implications of what hes talking about (and what Tresy is pointing out below) -- read Priorities* - ASAP. See posts for Sept. 23, 2003 / *permalink to specific post seems to be misbehaving.

As a side note to Digby's words above I think that it's important to remember that any commitment to fight for progressive bottom-up ideas and goals can be continued well into the future, well past Nov. 2004, regardless of which Dem is elected. But, if any of those progressive goals are going to be advanced and realized any time soon the first big step on that future course is going to require both a cooperative offensive and defensive team effort dedicated to the removal from office and power of the largest and most serious obstruction to those goals. And I think we all know who and what those obstructions are, and where they currently line up.

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