
Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Arnis™ roundup 

So how did the master debater do?


Still, it would be difficult to say Schwarzenegger "won" the debate so much as survived it as the candidates frequently interrupted one another and strayed from the specific topic. Schwarzenegger did not have the grasp of state government as Bustamante and State Sen. Tom McClintock, nor did he display any more passion than independent Arianna Huffington and Green Party candidate Peter Camejo.

The other four candidates largely agreed that decisive action was needed to right the ship, but they challenged Schwarzenegger from both the right and the left in ways that made his views seem overly generalized and lacking an awareness about the perils of politics and navigating state government.


At the Revere House restaurant in Tustin, a largely conservative crowd booed when Huffington wisecracked about Schwarzenegger's treatment of women, then cheered when Schwarzenegger responded that he had the perfect part for her in "Terminator 4."


At times, the exchanges among the candidates were so sharp that the audience groaned or gasped. ... Throughout the debate, Schwarzenegger was directly and aggressively confronted for the first time by his opponents -- especially columnist Arianna Huffington ... When Schwarzenegger kept interrupting at another point in the debate, Huffington retorted: "This is the way you treat women, we know that. But not now."

LA Times:

As television reporters jammed the south lawn behind the Student Union for their 5 p.m. newscasts, dozens of red-faced Schlowarzenegger supporters chanting, "Yes on recall, yes on Arnold!" collided with a batch of anti-recall demonstrators who were countering with "No on recall!"

Red faced?! The San Francisco Chronicle has the transcript:

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... Remember one thing, in California we have a three-strike system. You guys put wool over the people's eyes twice, the third time now, you're out. On Oct. 7, you guys are out. It's that simple, OK?

Look out....

So, anyone see the debate?

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