
Thursday, September 18, 2003

Advancing The Meme: Bush-Hating Liberals (All Libs) VS Clinton-Hating Righties (Just A Few Wachos) 

CalPundit does a charming turn on Krauthammer doing the "look at those Dems and their crazy-ass hatred of Bush" blues in Time magazine. Seems Dr. Kraut is concerned about our mental health. As some of Kevin's commentators point out, the Kraut does a fair job of outlining what liberal objections to Bush are, and then finds them to be pathological.

Well, since we're speaking of pathology, let us not forget that in Mr. Krauhammer, we have a man whose support for Jonas Savimbi, anti-communist crusader of Angola, was ceaseless. We have a columnist who, at the time of Mandela's first visit to Washington, urged fellow neo-cons and Repubs to accept Mandela for the steely ideologue of lefty nationalism he susposedly was, so that they could then challenge liberals to be equally as grownup about Savimbi. We now know, of course, that Savimbi was a homicidal maniac whose army included sizeable numbers of children kidnapped from their families and pressed into uniform to fight the international communist conspiracy; in other words, a fitting subject for one of Ann Coulter's reputation reclamation projects. Now Charles, what was it you were saying about moral equivalency....?

The definitive answer to Chas and all the other little neo-con Krauts is provided in the lively comments thread by Julia of Sisyphus Shrugged whose statement is such a wonderful example of angry, passionate, and yet still civil, political rhetoric, it demands to be quoted in full.

I don't hate Bush. I despise him.

I hate what he's doing to this country, I resent and abhor his attacks on my civil liberties and the way he's feeding my grandchlidren's seed corn to his friends as a party snack. I think he must be stopped from getting any more of our nation's and the world's children killed to try and carry out a foreign policy which seems to have been dreamed up by a bunch of rich frat boys while drinking beer and watching the super bowl.

I am deeply grateful that we are so close to an election and I intend to do whatever is in my small power to see that he is defeated in it.

Is he some sort of right-wing version of the Great Satan the right saw when they looked at Clinton? Not for me. He's a petulant little man with a great deal of money and media support and some smart tacticians behind him.

He's not worthy of the emotion Clinton inspired. He's not the kid that won the game, in schoolyard terms - he's the kid whose chauffeur came looking for you after school.

Hatred is too big a word for such a small quivering hermit crab of a man.

Doesn't sound all that crazy to me.

Update: Julia has posted the comment on her blog; read it here, read it there, it should be read everywhere.

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