
Sunday, August 31, 2003

Why do the flag desecrators hate America? 

Take Bush, for example:

Mr. Bush, at a political event in Livonia, Mich., autographed supporters' flags, an apparent violation of an obscure provision of American law that details the respect with which flags should be treated. "The flag," reads the code, "should never have placed upon it . . . any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."

Actually, I've never been able to make sense of the phrase "flag desecration." Desecrate is something you to do religious symbols, and last I checked, the American flag was not a religious symbol.

And this is a two-fer for our Godly President (barf):

He was breaking the law after prating about the "rule of law," just like a typical Pubican (though, to be fair, the law is obscure law—not like the speed limits that Publican Congressman broke for years before finally killing someone). Sigh....

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