
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The Road to Obscurity 

I try to help people as best I can. I'm just that kind of guy. And I'm glad to do it. I recently sent my new friend Wayne this quote: "It's time to return Al Franken to the obscurity that he's normally accustomed to." - and some other stuff - and he was more than grateful because he likes to collect important historical quotes. Hey, who doesn't? Liberals like Al Franken could learn a few things from my grateful conservative friend Wayne. Listen:

Dear the Farmer,
Thank you for the secret map of the location of the secret buried Confederate gold. That's the best $150 map I ever bought! I can just tell by looking at it that it is athentic. And thank you for the sending me that fuck nut Al Franken's home phone number and street address. I didn't know he lived in Frankenmuth, Michigan not too far from Otter Lake. But it figures he would be hiding somewhere like Michigan which is full of old left behind lberal socialist labor union cry baby shits and illegal immigrants from Canada. Al Franken is such a ass-monkey! He was just afraid of Fox Murdoch's boys. They was gonna take him to the woodshed but then they let him off the hook. Probably best too since the liberal Christian haters would have all cried racist! This whole Fox News joke on Franken reminds me of the time I rode my ATV down near the interstate and was yelling at cars full of liberals on the interstate just last week. Those fucking stoopid liberals in their cars would approach me from one direction and I wood commence to flipping them off with the bird and hurling colorful remarks at their chicken shit liberal cars. You can suck my big Hannity! I would scream. And fuck you, you big fuck-wad fuck faced fuckhead liberal rest area fag fucks! Scary intimidating stuff like that that I knows scares liberals. Off course they would blow their wimpy car horns and point and at me and laugh at me like I was the ass-wipe jerk but I knew they were scared of me because they just kept right on going up the highway. They never stopped to debate me once in person. Right up the road to Obscurity they kept going. Which is just a couple of hours up the road from here. But I never go up there myself because its full of homos and other loser horn honking liberal bitch monkeys who are scared of me and liberal ass-kicking real Americans like Bill O'Riley. Plus, I have some gold to dig up thanks to you!

Always Your Frend,

America could use a few more guys like Wayne. And I can always use the extra $150. God bless the Confederate States of America and the interstate highway system and Obscurity.


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